Thank you AGENCYFINDER for a job well done!
“Having wasted nine months trying to find a suitable advertising firm ourselves, you were able to identify several good potential advertising firms quickly and effectively. Your process, personal guidance and expertise made it happen. Our new firm is great and we are achieving our adverting goals.
Because of what we sell and our desired advertising needs, we required a special firm. Profitability at Work is a successful, small company whose clients are large corporations, mostly Fortune 500 companies. The decision-makers for our services (customized business acumen training for current and emerging mangers) are usually at the senior leadership level. Combine these factors and a desire to better promote our services using both inbound and outbound promotion, we needed help finding the right firm – a firm with the talent, right chemistry and know-how to help us. With AGENCYFINDER’s help we found a great firm.
I would (and have) recommend AGENCYFINDER. Determine your advertising/marketing budget, stick to their methodology, complete their Request for Dialogue (RFD), follow their guidance, and you’ll find the right firm your business – we did.”
November 24, 2014
Sheldon Mutchnick, President
Profitability at Work, Richmond, Virginia