IIlinois Non-Profit ‘KarriedAway’ Looking to Establish ProBono Marketing Relationship
KarriedAway, with offices in Maryville, Il, is searching for a firm to help promote our non-profit. We would like an agency to make contact with print and other media, and help to raise awareness of our organization. Our board of directors has a total of over 167 years of experience in helping those with diagnosed disabilities build community, develop natural supports, and find meaningful employment. Using our serchg engine, they specified:
FIELDS SERVED: Fundraising, Non-profit
SERVICES DESIRED: Fundraising, foundation work, Marketing plan development, Media relations, Non-profit marketing, Viral marketing, Web site design & development, Web video
Client contact: Sue Brown (you may go direct) Title: Chair, Firm: KarriedAway, Inc. , Address: PO Box 849, City: Maryville, State: IL, Zip: 62062, Country: USA, Tel: 618-580-6275, Fax: 618-345-8319, Email: