New & Improved Agency Features
Flash Report – November 30, 2000
This BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT information is for Certified Agencies, Agency New Business Executives and agency subscribers. We communicate with registered member-agencies using e-mail.
1. New & Improved Agency Features
2. Closing Techniques
3. Rude Awakening
We’re putting the finishing touches on a host of new features that will increase your chance for selection, invitation and award. An upcoming Flash Report will cover them in detail, but for the moment, take a look at two items that offer immediate benefit.
We’ve given you the ability to preview and then print full reports on all the agency data we have for your firm @
Forgot your User Name and Password? If so,
and if you’re the listed new business contact, just type your e-mail address at:
1. (Menu #13) The first is a CONFIDENTIAL version that’s only for you and us. Print this and circulate to others at the agency that would benefit from this summary.
2. (Menu #14) The second is what clients can see. I’d suggest you go there immediately to be certain your data is complete and accurate. Commonly overlooked is the year founded, number and location of additional offices, or capitalized billings. Each item is a selection criteria – missing or incorrect data can adversely affect your selection.
We’re soliciting your input for techniques we can share with clients to select the “perfect” agency from their short-list finalists. We have our favorites, but there’s room for more!
As it is, our process introduces clients quickly and precisely to a handful of pre-qualified agencies. Initial agency/client contact is by telephone, and that conversation gives you both a chance to test for “chemistry”, an important but elusive element that often makes the difference.
We make a powerful argument that the first face-to-face encounter should be at the agency. NOTICE that has them traveling to you, spending THEIR TIME AND THEIR MONEY to do so. As a result, you could end up saving the same or more than our registration and annual fees. Read our recommendations (Question #5) at:
Clients are always asking for help on the last phase. That’s where they invite you to come and present to them and their management. We speak strongly against spec creative, but they’re always looking for methodology to identify that “perfect” agency. That’s where you can contribute by adding to our existing recommendations.
So – send us your thoughts!
In our last Flash Report, we ran a letter from a client that was less than satisfied with the lack of response from some of his invited agencies. New reports of a slowing economy, with the forecast of reduced activity is another subtle warning for the
need to be prepared.
Bob Seltzer, president and CEO of Ogilvy Public Relations, in talking at the Public Relations World Congress 2000 about the business downturn that will inevitably follow the current boom, warned “There will come a time when we all will have to go hunting again” for new business.
As it relates to the Agencyfinder process, be certain to read and study your invitations as soon as they arrive, then call the client and conduct your discovery or let us know you have to decline. That process works and will fare-you-well in boom or in slow times.
Here’s to Great New Business!
Charles G. Meyst, Chairman/CEO
Business Partnering International, Ltd.
Vantage Place, 4327 Cox Road
Glen Allen, Virginia 23060 USA