October 2, 2000 — A PLEASURE TO ANNOUNCE
We promise confidentiality to searching clients, so it’s not often we get formal press. This appeared in ADWEEK, then AdAge and the NYTimes late last week.
DETROIT – Owens Corning has consolidated its $40 million advertising account with Doner in Southfield, Mich., after a review, sources said. The company previously used about 30 small agencies around the country.
agencyfinder.com conducted the review for the business, which includes direct, trade, consumer, interactive, collateral, sales promotion and point of sale. Doner was also assigned media planning and buying. The company is planning a major repositioning and rebranding, sources said.
The Toledo, Ohio-based company manufactures such building materials as insulation, roofing and siding. The company has sales of $5 billion and employs approximately 20,000 people worldwide.